SquashMatch Blog

ESR - The Big Hit - Sponsoring The SquashMatch North London League

By Andre Ainsworth on 2013-04-09

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England Squash and Racketball (ESR) recently launched its new development brand and marketing campaign:

The Big Hit is designed to get more people involved in squash and racketball.

As part of the Big Hit promotion and roll out across the capital ESR will be sponsoring the SquashMatch North London league and making this season part of the Big Hit Court Challenge Series

What does this mean for you?

Carry on as usual BUT...

  • Free T-shirt for everyone who completes at least 50% of their games
  • Free entry for everyone who completes a minimum of 2 matches into a prize draw to win 3 hours of free coaching with a top London coach
  • Winner and runner up prizes for every league, including:
  • Rackets, bags, boxes of squash balls, coaching

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