SquashMatch Blog

Coaches! Get 50% off the cost of coaching!

By Fatema on 2015-10-15

The London Sport Coaching Bursary is now open to London based coaches working in London.

Coaches will be able to apply for up to 50% towards the cost of a course, up to a maximum of £200 which will be paid after the course places have been booked. (Coaches are advised not to book places on courses before funding is agreed in principle.)

Funded coaches will be required to: * Register with London Sport Coaching. * Provide a report from the club/school/organisation confirming the delivery, or schedules delivery of at least 20 hours coaching delivery. * Provide a case study demonstrating the impact on participation.

Deadline to apply is 13/11/2015.

Find a link to the application form on <Sorry, this link is no longer online>

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